Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- TDG-1074
Add notes to accessions - TDG-1073
Add admin reports - TDG-1072
Update text on home page and transfer form - TDG-1071
Transfers should be stored in sub-folders based on date - TDG-1070
Flesh out admin UI - TDG-1069
Process digital materials upon receipt - TDG-1068
Add required fields to transfer submit - TDG-1067
Send notification emails to transfer submitter - TDG-1066
Basic Admin UI - TDG-1065
Get production environment set up - TDG-1064
Collect transfer data from frontend and persist on backend - TDG-1063
Add transfer inventory to non-digital transfers - TDG-1062
Add transfer type selection to home page - TDG-1061
Add authentication similar to TrackSys - TDG-1060
Finish file upload logic - TDG-1059
Create DB schema for content submission app
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