Resolution: Fixed
The Law library would like to expose their image files using our IIIF server.
They've provided a list of the files including the identifier they want used in the URL for the image in IIIF, information about where the master file is in AP Trust, and the day it was put in AP Trust (not used).
http://uvalawlibrary8dev.prod.acquia-sites.com/api/files/list (also attached to this ticket: files_list.json )
The process for an individual file is:
- request retrieval of the file's containing bag from AP Trust
- extract the file
- convert it to a JP2K
- put it in the correct location to be delivered by the IIIF server
- update the rewrite rules to pick up a new directory https://github.com/uvalib/iiifAcl/blob/master/iipsrv.conf
- create that directory
- put the jp2k file in place
Kakadu or imagemagick have been used to convert tiff files to JP2K. The current tracksys code that invokes those programs is here: https://github.com/uvalib/tracksys/blob/c356c2251fd3a7a828670b1edf790d4483b758eb/app/jobs/publish_to_iiif.rb#L63-L80
- relates to
TDG-1197 Implement AP Trust submission for XML Metadata records in Tracksys
- Resolved