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  1. Technology Development Group
  2. TDG-532

Create a replacement app for WordPress Book Traces public submission site


      Current site is here:


      It is a public-facing site that lets anyone fill out a form and submit pictures of books they find with interventions in them. It has a few static content pages and  browse / view pages for the submissions.

      It requires a basic back end where admin users can approve submissions before they appear on the browse / view pages. If time permits, allow admin users to edit public submission data.

      Instead of the WordPress blogging functionality, the site will pull static blog content from a directory. This will allow admin users to craft their own pages and drop them in the folder and have them appear on the site.

      Important to note: this site cannot go forward unless the data and images (about 1000 jpg files) from the original site can be exported and provided to UVA. 

            lf6f Louis Foster
            lf6f Louis Foster
            Mike Durbin Mike Durbin
            1 Start watching this issue
