Resolution: Incomplete
The papers of Julian Bond will be digitized and then transcribed via crowdsourcing. They will be digitized with some oversight by DPG, but not using the tracking system going forward. (the first box has been digitized using the tracking system and standard workflows) Instead their own drupal-based system will be used to collect metadata. "From the page" will be used for the transcription.
Support will consist of:
- consulting about metadata export format from their drupal application and "from the page"
- providing storage space for master files
- developing a method to process/store master files and associated metadata (likely item level including genre/type, sender and recipient)
- provide IIIF image server access to the processed files
Attempt to acquire Bond transcriptions for inclusion in DL. | Backlog | Mike Durbin | |
Get the Bond images into our normal environment. | Backlog | Unassigned |